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Amazon EMR Serverless

In the context of Spark execution engines, you have the flexibility to opt for Amazon EMR Serverless. This guide offers step-by-step instructions on creating a Fabric that enables seamless connectivity to the EMR Serverless environment.

Create Amazon EMR Serverless cluster with Apache Livy

Navigate to Amazon EMR Serverless service and create a cluster. Under Application bundle select Custom.

Choose appropriate applications to include in your installation. At a minimum, make sure sure Livy and Spark are included in the install.

EMR Serverless create cluster

Allow network connectivity between Amazon EMR Serverless and Prophecy

To configure the necessary network settings for seamless integration, specific modifications to the security groups of your EMR Serverless cluster are required. Follow the instructions outlined below: If you intend to utilize Prophecy as a SaaS (Software as a Service) solution, note that the Prophecy public IP is Ensure that the Core security group's outbound rule allows connections to this IP address.

  1. Modify the Primary Node security group:
    • Allow incoming connections to port 8998 from the Prophecy IP.
    • This can be achieved by adding an inbound rule to the Master security group that permits incoming traffic on port 8998 from the Prophecy IP address.
  2. Modify the Core Node security group:
    • Allow outgoing connections to the Prophecy public IP over HTTPS.
    • To enable this, add an outbound rule to the Core security group that allows outgoing traffic over HTTPS protocol to the Prophecy public IP.

By implementing these adjustments to your EMR Serverless cluster's security groups, you will establish the necessary network configuration for effective integration with Prophecy.

Create a Fabric to connect Prophecy to EMR Serverless

Navigate to Prophecy's UI and click on Create Fabric. The Fabric will establish a connection with your EMR Serverless cluster and use it as the execution engine for your Pipelines.

EMR Serverless create Fabric

Name your EMR Serverless Fabric and click on Continue.

EMR Serverless Fabric name

Choose EMR as your Provider. At this point, there is no distinction between creating an EMR and an EMR Serverless Fabric.

EMR Serverless Provider

Before proceeding, it is crucial to ensure that all the required settings are properly configured. If you are uncertain about the necessary configurations, we recommend reaching out to your cloud infrastructure team for additional guidance and assistance. They will be able to provide you with the specific information and support needed to ensure a successful setup.

Enter your AWS credentials under Access Key and Secret Key. Choose the Region that your EMR Serverless cluster is running in.

Click on Fetch environments.

EMR Serverless cred

Select your EMR Serverless cluster that you would like to connect to under Spark Environment. The EMR cluster listing also shows Serverless clusters. From the list of active clusters, you can identify your EMR Serverless cluster by finding emr-serverless-services within the Livy URL.

EMR Serverless select

Most of the fields should be automatically populated after selecting a EMR Serverless cluster.

For the Authentication type, select AWS Sig V4. This is the only option that will work for EMR Serverless.

EMR Serverless Authentication type

Select your Runtime Role. The role must have enough permissions to use the selected Serverless App.

EMR Serverless Runtime Role

Enter the S3 path that points to the location where you would like your logs and Pipeline artifacts to persist.

EMR Serverless dependencies

Add the Job size to your environment by clicking on Add Job Size. Configure your Job size and click on Add.

EMR Job size

Configure the Prophecy Library:


The Spark Version and Scala Version are fixed.

Select File System under Scala Resolution mode and provide the following path:


Select File System under Python Resolution mode and provide the following path:


EMR Serverless Library

Click on Complete and your EMR Serverless Fabric is ready!

Run a simple Pipeline and make sure that the interim returns data properly.