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Machine Learning

Each page below describes one of the set of gems that prepare or use data for Machine Learning. These gems have a required Cluster library dependency. For an example set of pipelines that use these gems to create a Generative AI Chatbot, see this guide.

Cluster library dependencies

Spark-AI - Toolbox for building Generative AI applications on top of Apache Spark. This library dependency is required for the Machine Learning gem functionality. Setup this dependency in one of two ways:

  • Option a. Import a project with the spark-ai dependency preconfigured, as in this guide.

  • Option b. Alternatively, add prophecy-spark-ai==0.1.8 as a Python library, and io.prophecy:spark-ai_2.12:0.1.8 as a Maven library to the pipeline dependencies.

Click here to see the roadmap for what's coming in the future with the Spark-AI toolbox.