Syncing audit logs from SaaS
Prophecy provides access to audit logs of activities performed by Prophecy users, allowing your enterprise to monitor detailed usage patterns. The Prophecy admin can configure a S3 bucket to sync these events from Prophecy to their environment.
This is only available for SaaS and requires manual effort. Please contact us to learn more about this in detail.
An empty AWS S3 bucket with read/write permissions is required. Follow the guidelines below to set up the bucket correctly.
Configure S3 bucket for logs
Create the S3 Bucket:
- Log in to your AWS account and navigate to the S3 service.
- Click on "Create Bucket" to initiate the bucket creation process.
- Choose a unique name for your bucket, following the format:
, wherexyz
represents your name or any identifier of your choice. - Select the desired AWS Region for the bucket. Ideally, choose the
us-east-1 (N. Virginia)
. If this region is not available, please inform us which region you selected as it requires additional configuration on our end.
Set Object Ownership:
- After creating the bucket, ensure that the object ownership is set to
ACLs disabled (recommended)
. This can be done during or after the bucket creation process.
- After creating the bucket, ensure that the object ownership is set to
Configuring Bucket Permissions for Prophecy:
- Open the newly created bucket in the AWS Management Console.
- Go to the "Permissions" section and locate the "Bucket Policy" tab.
- Apply the following permissions to allow Prophecy's IAM role to sync S3 objects using AWS DataSync.
"Version": "2008-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "DataSyncCreateS3LocationAndTaskAccess",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": {
"AWS": "arn:aws:iam::133450206866:role/AWSDataSyncS3BucketAccessCustomerBackendEventsRole"
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Sid": "DataSyncCreateS3Location",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": {
"AWS": "arn:aws:iam::133450206866:user/s3access"
"Action": "s3:ListBucket",
"Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::prophecy-customer-backend-events-xyz"
In the sample above, replace arn:aws:s3:::prophecy-customer-backend-events-xyz
with the ARN of your destination bucket.
Note that we need the Prophecy user principal (s3access
) to be able to create S3 location at Prophecy's account and hence require this role with Sid DataSyncCreateS3Location
Please contact us with bucket ARN and region to enable this in your account.
Audit events
This table lists events for each Entity/Action along with the Request parameters grouped by the entity.
Prophecy Uses GraphQL queries so you may find some difference in Request and Response parameters depending upon where the Queries are used from.
Entity | Query | Description | Request Parameters |
Fabric | fabricDetailQuery | Get Fabric Details | ["id"] |
addFabric | Add a Fabric | ["name", "ownerUid"] | |
updateOwnedBy | Update Team owing the Fabric | ["id","targetUid"] | |
userFabricQuery | Get all Fabrics for User | ["uid"] | |
Project | addProject | Add a project | ["name","forkMode","language", "ownerUid", "mainBranchModificationAllowed"] |
getDetails | Get Details of a Project | ["projectId"] | |
project | List all projects for User | ["uid"] | |
teamProjectAvailable | Available Projects for that Team | ["uid", "language"] | |
addProjectDependency | Add a dependency Project to Current | ["projectId", "DependencyProjectUid"] | |
updateProjectDependency | Update dependency Project to a new released version | ["projectId", "DependencyProjectUid", "ReleaseTag"] | |
removeProjectDependency | Removed an added dependency | ["projectId", "DependencyProjectUid"] | |
projectDependenciesQuery | List all project Dependencies | ["projectId"] | |
projectReleaseStatus | Gives Status of last Release for given project | ["projectID", "statuses"] | |
projectSyncFromGit | Status of Git sync of project | ["uid"] | |
releaseProject | Release a Project | ["branch", "message","version","projectID", "CommitHash"] | |
gitFooter | Details for Git for commit/branchNAme etc | ["projectID"] | |
addSubscriberToProject | Add Subscriber to a Project | ["uid", "teamId"] | |
projectBranches | List of available branches for this project | ["projectId"] | |
cloneProject | Created clone of current project | ["uid", "name", "teamUid", "copyMainBranchReleaseTags"] | |
Pipeline | addPipeline | Add a new Pipeline | ["name", "branch", "ownerId", "doCheckout"] |
tableQueryPipeline | Lists all pipelines for project | ["projectId", "sortOrder", "sortColumn"] | |
tableQueryPipeline | Lists all pipelines for User | ["uid", "sortOrder", "sortColumn"] | |
pipelineDetailsQuery | Get Details of Pipeline | ["Uid"] | |
clonePipeline | Cloned a Pipeline | ["branch", "sourcePipelineId", "targetPipelineName", "ownerUid", "doCheckout"] | |
addSubgraph | When Subgraph is added to a Pipeline | ["mode", "name", "language", "ownerUID"] | |
addUDFBulk | UDFs added to a Project | ["","udfs.description", "projectUID"] | |
removeUDFBulk | UDFs removed form a project | ["uids"] | |
getSubgraph | Get Subgraph by given Id | ["uid"] | |
Job | addJob | Add a Job | ["name", "branch","fabricUID", "scheduler", "doCheckout", "projectUID"] |
updateJobConfiguration | Job configurations are updated | ["emails", "jobUID", "enabled", "onStart", "fabricId", "onFailure", "onSuccess", "clusterMode", "scheduleCron"] | |
latestJobReleaseByJobIdAndFabricID | Get Jobs Release by Fabric Id | ["jobUID", "fabricUID"] | |
jobReleaseByProjectRelease | Gets Jobs Released by Project ID | ["projectReleaseUID"] | |
jobQuery | Geta a Job by gievn Id | ["uid"] | |
addJobRelease | Adds a Job released mapping to project Release | ["jobUID", "fabricUID", "scheduler", "schedulerJobUID", "projectReleaseUID"] | |
tableQueryJob | list query for Jobs | ["uid", "sortOrder", "sortColumn"] | |
Dataset | queryDataset | When Datasets are queried from any page | ["uid", "optionalProjectUID"] |
addDataset | Added a new Dataset | ["mode", "name", "ownerUID", "fabricUID", "datasetType"] | |
addMultipleDatasets | Add Multiple Datasets | ["names", "ownerUID", "tableNameList", "schemaNameList", "descriptionsList", "schemaAspectList", "databaseNamesList] | |
Team | addTeam | Added a new Team | ["name", "adminUid"] |
getUserTeam | Get Teams for a User | ["uid"] | |
addteamAdmin | Add a user as Admin | ["teamUid", "userUid", "invitationAccepted"] | |
user | List All teams for Users with Members | ["uid"] | |
User | getUser | Get User | ["email"] |
tableQueryUser | List query for the User | ["uid", "sortOrder", "sortColumn"] | |
userAllFabricInfoAspect | Get User Details | ["uid"] | |
setPassword | user Sets a new Password | ["uid", "newPassword"] | |
Git | deleteBranch | Deleted a Branch | ["projectId", "branchName"] |
checkout | Checkout a new branch | ["projectId" , "branchName"] | |
prCreationRedirectUrl | Pr Creation button clicked | ["to", "from", "projectId"] | |
createPR | Pr Creation button clicked | ["to", "from", "toFork", "fromFork":, "projectId"] | |
cleanCommit | Committed any changes | ["message", "projectId"] | |
commit | Commit button clicked | ["branch", "message", "projectId"] | |
pullOrigin | pull origin branch | ["branch", "projectId"] | |
checkGitConnection | Test Git connection | ["externalUriArg", "pushAccessCheck", "userGitCredsUID"] | |
linkSavedCredsToExternalGit | Linked Saved Creds to a project | ["projectUID", "userGitCredsUID"] | |
unlinkExternalGit | Unlink the saved creds | ["projectUID"] | |
checkout | When USer checks out a new branch | ["branchName","projectUID"] | |
branchDivergence | When user compares two branches for commit screen | ["projectId", "branchName", "baseBranchName"] | |
branchInfo | Gives details of a particular working branch | ["projectId", "branchName", "remoteType"] | |
setPrCreationTemplate | When user Sets PR creation template | ["projectId", "customPrTemplate", "prCreationEnabled"}] | |
getPrCreationTemplate | Gets PR creation template | ["projectId"] | |
deleteUserGitCreds | When user deleted saved Git creds | ["uid"] | |
linkExternalGit | Link saved Git creds | ["projectUID", "externalRepoUri", "userGitCredsUID"] | |
mergeMaster | Merge to master branch | ["prNumber", "projectId", "entityConflicts", "projectConflicts", "resolvedConflicts"] | |
Transpiler | transpilerImport | Transpiler Import started | ["uid"] |
addTranspilerImport | Importing files to Prophecy Transpiler | ["name", "status", "storagePath", "transpilerType"] | |
Generic | removeEntity | When any entity is removed | ["uid", "entityKind"] |
updateEntity | When any entity is updated | ["uid", "entityKind", "entityFieldName", "entityFieldValue"] |