Use a custom artifact repository (Sparkedge)
This page outlines how to configure the Sparkedge pod to use a private Maven or PyPI artifact repository (mirror).
Sparkedge is responsible for actions like running unit tests, building gem packages with custom gems, and installing pipeline dependencies in sandboxes.
Condition | Action Required |
Using a custom artifactory for hosting Scala packages | Update both Maven and Ivy settings |
Working on PySpark projects and using a custom PyPI mirror | Update PyPI settings |
To configure custom artifact repository for Maven in Sparkedge, follow these steps:
Either create or locate the settings.xml file to hold the Maven configuration.
Example settings.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<settings xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
</settings>If you want to modify the existing file, you can retrieve it from the Sparkedge pod using the following command:
kubectl cp -n <namespace> <sparkedgepod>:/opt/docker/apache-maven-3.9.6/conf/settings.xml settings.xml
Edit the settings.xml file to include the details of your custom artifact repository.
Run the following to create a Kubernetes secret:
kubectl create secret generic <secretname>-maven --from-file=settings.xml -n <namespace>
kubectl edit prophecycluster -n <namespace>
to edit the prophecycluster YAML.In the editor, add the following under
overwrite-maven-settings: true
maven-settings-secret: <maven-secret-name>
maven-settings-path: /home/demiourgos728/.m2/settings.xmlSave and exit the editor.
Validate the settings.xml file inside the Sparkedge pod by running:
kubectl -n <namespace> exec <sparkedgepod name> -- cat /home/demiourgos728/.m2/settings.xml
For custom Maven repository access in Ivy, use the following steps:
Create a new ivysettings.xml file that contains your custom repository credentials and resolver configuration. The file must be named ivysettings.xml. Example:
Example ivysettings.xml
<settings defaultResolver="default"/>
<credential host=""
realm="Your Realm" username="your-username" passwd="your-password"/>
<ibiblio name="custom-artifactory" m2compatible="true"
<ibiblio name="central" m2compatible="true"/>
<chain name="default">
<resolver ref="custom-artifactory"/>
</ivysettings>Create a Kubernetes secret for your ivysettings.xml file:
kubectl create secret generic <secretname>-ivy --from-file=ivysettings.xml -n <namespace>
kubectl edit prophecycluster -n <namespace>
to edit the prophecycluster YAML.In the editor, add the following under
overwrite-ivy-settings: true
ivy-settings-path: /app/.m2/ivysettings.xml
ivy-settings-secret: <ivy-secret-name>Save and exit the editor.
To ensure the ivysettings.xml file persists across restarts, copy it to the persistent volume:
kubectl -n <namespace> cp ./ivysettings.xml <sparkedge_pod_name>:/app/.m2/ivysettings.xml
To configure PyPI for custom artifact repository in Sparkedge, follow these steps:
First, create a pip.conf file and define the custom PyPI repository. The file must be named pip.conf.
Example pip.conf
index-url= the following to create a Kubernetes secret:
kubectl create secret generic <secretname>-pypi --from-file=pip.conf -n <namespace>
kubectl edit prophecycluster -n <namespace>
to edit the prophecycluster YAML.In the editor, add the following under
overwrite-pypi-settings: true
pypi-settings-secret: <pip-secret-name>
pypi-settings-path: /etc/pip.confSave and exit the editor.
Verify that your custom PyPI configuration has been applied:
kubectl -n <namespace> exec <sparkedgepod name> -- cat /etc/pip.conf
Proxy configuration (optional)
If your Maven repositories are behind a proxy, you’ll need to add proxy settings to your settings.xml file.