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Use a custom artifact repository (Sparkedge)

This page outlines how to configure the Sparkedge pod to use a private Maven or PyPI artifact repository (mirror).


Sparkedge is responsible for actions like running unit tests, building gem packages with custom gems, and installing pipeline dependencies in sandboxes.


ConditionAction Required
Using a custom artifactory for hosting Scala packagesUpdate both Maven and Ivy settings
Working on PySpark projects and using a custom PyPI mirrorUpdate PyPI settings


To configure custom artifact repository for Maven in Sparkedge, follow these steps:

  1. Either create or locate the settings.xml file to hold the Maven configuration.

    Example settings.xml
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <settings xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
  2. If you want to modify the existing file, you can retrieve it from the Sparkedge pod using the following command:

    kubectl cp -n <namespace> <sparkedgepod>:/opt/docker/apache-maven-3.9.6/conf/settings.xml settings.xml
  3. Edit the settings.xml file to include the details of your custom artifact repository.

  4. Run the following to create a Kubernetes secret:

    kubectl create secret generic <secretname>-maven --from-file=settings.xml -n <namespace>
  5. Run kubectl edit prophecycluster -n <namespace> to edit the prophecycluster YAML.

  6. In the editor, add the following under sparkedge:

    overwrite-maven-settings: true
    maven-settings-secret: <maven-secret-name>
    maven-settings-path: /home/demiourgos728/.m2/settings.xml
  7. Save and exit the editor.

  8. Validate the settings.xml file inside the Sparkedge pod by running:

    kubectl -n <namespace> exec <sparkedgepod name> -- cat /home/demiourgos728/.m2/settings.xml


For custom Maven repository access in Ivy, use the following steps:

  1. Create a new ivysettings.xml file that contains your custom repository credentials and resolver configuration. The file must be named ivysettings.xml. Example:

    Example ivysettings.xml
    <settings defaultResolver="default"/>
    <credential host=""
    realm="Your Realm" username="your-username" passwd="your-password"/>
    <ibiblio name="custom-artifactory" m2compatible="true"
    <ibiblio name="central" m2compatible="true"/>
    <chain name="default">
    <resolver ref="custom-artifactory"/>
  2. Create a Kubernetes secret for your ivysettings.xml file:

    kubectl create secret generic <secretname>-ivy --from-file=ivysettings.xml -n <namespace>
  3. Run kubectl edit prophecycluster -n <namespace> to edit the prophecycluster YAML.

  4. In the editor, add the following under sparkedge:

    overwrite-ivy-settings: true
    ivy-settings-path: /app/.m2/ivysettings.xml
    ivy-settings-secret: <ivy-secret-name>
  5. Save and exit the editor.

  6. To ensure the ivysettings.xml file persists across restarts, copy it to the persistent volume:

    kubectl -n <namespace> cp ./ivysettings.xml <sparkedge_pod_name>:/app/.m2/ivysettings.xml


To configure PyPI for custom artifact repository in Sparkedge, follow these steps:

  1. First, create a pip.conf file and define the custom PyPI repository. The file must be named pip.conf.

    Example pip.conf
  2. Run the following to create a Kubernetes secret:

    kubectl create secret generic <secretname>-pypi --from-file=pip.conf -n <namespace>
  3. Run kubectl edit prophecycluster -n <namespace> to edit the prophecycluster YAML.

  4. In the editor, add the following under sparkedge:

    overwrite-pypi-settings: true
    pypi-settings-secret: <pip-secret-name>
    pypi-settings-path: /etc/pip.conf
  5. Save and exit the editor.

  6. Verify that your custom PyPI configuration has been applied:

    kubectl -n <namespace> exec <sparkedgepod name> -- cat /etc/pip.conf

Proxy configuration (optional)

If your Maven repositories are behind a proxy, you’ll need to add proxy settings to your settings.xml file.
