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Private SAAS

Prophecy can be deployed private SAAS for customers who require maximum security or want to run on their own private SAAS Spark versions (e.g. CDP, HDP, MapR). As for the cloud deployments, also for private SAAS, Prophecy is deployed on a Kubernetes cluster. With that setup, Prophecy seamlessly integrates with the rest of your infrastructure.

Prophecy is installed through a Prophecy Kubernetes operator, which automatically takes care of the common ops tasks, like maintenance of the service, health checks, updates, version rollback etc.

Customer VPC deployment


To install Prophecy private SAAS the following infrastructure requirements must be satisfied:


  • Kubernetes Version (minimum): 1.21
  • Images: Accessible from a secure container registry available at This location can be configured to a customer's internal container registry.

Minimum service requirements:

NamespaceDescription# Cores# RAM# Block Storage
Control PlaneMain services (front-end, code editor, metadata, lineage, etc)34 Cores68GB150GB
Data PlaneServices serving as a bridge between Spark and Prophecy UI6 Cores10GB10GB
PlatformBackup(Twice-a-day, configurable) , Monitoring, logging services (optional)4 Cores8GB200GB

*Platform Services can also run on File-based storage


Prophecy requires:

  • Block storage needs to be available in the Kubernetes cluster
  • Kubernetes cluster configured in either multi-AZ or single-AZ mode. For multi-AZ mode, the block storage has to have the volume binding mode set to waitforfirstconsumer
  • Dynamic provisioning of block and file storage
  • Prophecy supports any storage class out of the box.


Prophecy requires:

  • ClusterRole permissions are optional for CRD installation
  • If not available, the customer can create the required CRDs by deploying a single helm chart (shared on request)


Prophecy requires:

  • Ingress

    • Prophecy supports a Prophecy-managed or customer-managed nginx ingress controller. Either Kubernetes nginx or official nginx controllers of any version are supported. We recommend the latest stable version.
    • Non-nginx controller configuration is possible, however, not recommended.
    • Prophecy supports Istio-based ingress gateways as well.
  • Certificates - Wildcard certificates for path-based routing. Certificates are to be managed by the cert-manager, which can be Prophecy or customer-managed. Certificates are automatically generated for every ingress resource created.

  • External-DNS - To successfully resolve the service host names. Prophecy supports a Prophecy-managed or customer-managed external-dns or equivalent.


Prophecy supports all of the most popular authentication providers as per the Authentication documentation.


For interactive development, Prophecy requires:

  • Databricks API 1.2 - for Databricks-based Spark deployments or
  • Livy 0.7.x - for any other Spark-deployment support (e.g. CDP, HDP, MapR, Spark on Kubernetes)

For jobs deployment, Prophecy requires


For interactive and jobs deployment to Airflow, Prophecy requires a customer-managed Airflow deployment version 2.x.x (latest recommended). Astronomer's managed Airflow offering is supported.

Logging / Metrics

  • Prophecy comes with a built-in lightweight infrastructure for monitoring (based on Loki & Grafana) and logging (based on Prometheus, Grafana and alert-manager, etc.).
  • A Customer can optionally connect to it to redirect the logs and metrics to their own logging services.


The requirements outlined above can support up to 25 concurrent developers (users actively developing pipelines at the same time). To enable more concurrent users, Prophecy supports vertical and horizontal scaling.

Scaling is taken care of by the Autoscaler component in our platform. Therefore, e.g., if the number of users increases by 10 times, the Prophecy deployment can be scaled appropriately.

The following are estimated recommended cluster sizes depending on the number of concurrent users:

Number of users2550150
CPUs44 vCPUs80 vCPUs230 vCPUs
Memory86 GB160 GB460 GB
Disk space (with backups)360 GB720 GB1440 GB

Please, note that the recommended resource may vary based on the intensity of the usage of each developer. The numbers presented above are based on the average recorded usage of Prophecy customers.