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Lineage view

Learn how to navigate through Lineage to better understand your data.

When you open Lineage from the left navigation bar, you are brought to the lineage search page. Once you enter a search query, you can see a list of matching entities and a list of columns. You can filter these lists by:

  • Entity type
  • Project
  • Author
  • Last modified time period

Once you click an entity or column, the lineage view opens.

Lineage Search

Lineage view

The lineage view always includes Summary and Zoom In tabs, though these look different for different entities.


The Summary tab demonstrates the flow of data through pipelines, models, and datasets (depending on your project type).

Use the Browse Datasets panel to search for and select the column or entity that you want to inspect.

Browse Datasets

More information can be found when you select a column, such as upstream and downstream transformations.

Lineage View

Zoom In

The Zoom In tab looks different depending on whether you are inspecting a pipeline or a dataset.

  • For pipelines, you can see code-level information about each component present in the pipeline. Select a component to view its:

    • Transformation code
    • Input columns
    • Output columns

    pipeline zoom-in

  • For datasets, you can find information around all the upstream and downstream transformations (if any) for all the columns of the selected dataset.

    Dataset zoom-in