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Fork a repository

This page describes how to fork a repository in cases where you may want to create a copy of the original (upstream) repository.

Use fork per user Git storage model

During the creation of Project there is an option to choose fork per usage as Git Storage model. When you fork a repository, you must already have both the upstream repository and a fork per usage repository present. Both repositories remain on your GitHub account.

When using the fork per usage Git storage model while creating a new Project, apart from the upstream repository details, some additional information is needed for the forked repository.

Fork repo setup

Let's create a fork of our original repository and pull main branch from original repository to our newly created forked repository.

Now to pull main branch from upstream repository or from origin of current repository is as simple as clicking on below Pull Upstream or Pull Origin options.

Fork repo extra options

  1. Any changes made in forked repository would not effect the upstream repository and would only reflect in the forked repository.
  2. Please follow the normal Git flow for raising pull requests to the original repository from the forked repository.