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Change External Git Provider API

If you've migrated Git providers, you'll need to update Prophecy projects to use the new Git provider. You can use the updateRemoteURI API to configure Prophecy projects to point to the migrated repositories.

You'll be able to perform the API call manually or using Postman. If you need to migrate projects in bulk, follow these steps before calling the updateRemoteURI API.


The steps below will work for all the Git providers supported in Prophecy.

  1. Login to Prophecy as the Team Admin.
  2. Generate a Prophecy API token.
  3. Craft the API calls as below.
  4. Submit the API call


import requests
import json

url = "https://****"

payload = json.dumps({
"query": "mutation {\n updateRemoteUri(\n projectUID: \"***123***\"\n externalRepoUri: \"****/my-destination-repo.git\"\n externalGitProvider: GitLab\n externalRepoEmail: \"****@****.com\"\n externalRepoUsername: \"****\"\n externalRepoAccessToken: \"glpat-****\"\n )\n}",
"variables": {}
headers = {
'X-Auth-Token': '****',
'': '',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'

response = requests.request("POST", url, headers=headers, data=payload)



"data": {
projectUIDProphecy Project ID, found in the Project URLRequired"11"
externalRepoUriRepository target for migration. Use the https url.Required"****/examplerepo.git"
externalGitProviderPossible values (case sensitive): Github, GithubEnterprise, GitLab, GitLabEnterprise, BitBucket, AzureDevOps, OtherRequiredGitLab
externalRepoEmailIf provided, the API call will validate the two repos are the same.Optional""
externalRepoUsernameIf provided, the API call will validate the two repos are the same.Optional"myGitLabUsername"
externalRepoAccessTokenIf provided, the API call will validate the two repos are the same.Optional"gitlab-token"

Each user needs to update their Git credential

After each project is configured for a new Git provider's repo, the Prophecy users will need to update their Git credentials.

  1. Open the new Git provider (eg GitLab) and create a new token. Be sure the new token has permission to write to all the important repositories.
  2. Open Prophecy. Add a new Git credential for the new provider (eg GitLab). Configure projects to use the new Git credential.


Use Postman to craft the API call
  • Install Postman.
  • Create a new POST API request in Postman
    • Enter your Prophecy GraphQL API endpoint, eg https://****
  • Go to the Headers Tab and enter X-Auth-Token for the key and your API token as the value.
  • Go to the Body tab and enter the following to call updateRemoteUri:
mutation {
projectUID: "<insert_project_UID_here>"
externalRepoUri: "<insert_target_repo_here>"
externalGitProvider: <insert_target_git_provider_here>
externalRepoEmail: "<insert_your_email_here>"
externalRepoUsername: "<insert_your_git_provider_username_here>"
externalRepoAccessToken: "<insert_gitlab_token_here>"
Error response
If you see an `access denied` error response when calling the Git migration API:
  1. Verify the Prophecy API token is created by the team admin
  2. Verify the token for the target Git provider [a] has permission to push to the repo [b] has permission to push to the branch, and [c] is the right type of token (app token for GitLab, personal access token for Github, etc.).
Bulk repository migrations

If you have many projects to change, use a separate API call to list your team’s project IDs and URLs. Duplicate the query, modify the Body tab, and enter the following:

tableQueryProject($UID: String!) {
Team(uid: $UID) {
projects {

Now you can use the returned list of project UIDs to call the updateRemoteURI API, once per project UID. This can be automated using a simple script.