To connect to a running Airflow Instance, you would need to create a Fabric of type Airflow. Prophecy provides you with three different types of Fabrics depending upon where your Airflow Instance is running.
Prophecy Managed Airflow - for those who are new to Airflow and do not have an Airflow instance, we provide a Prophecy Managed Airflow to expedite your trial and POC.
MWAA - for those who are using Amazon Web Services and have an Amazon Managed Workflows for Apache Airflow instance running.
Composer - for those who are using Google Cloud Platform and have a GCP Cloud Composer Airflow instance running.
Create an Airflow Job
Once the Airflow Fabric is setup, Airflow Job scheduling is done with an easy-to-use interface. Follow this guide to Create an Airflow Job.
What's next
To continue with Airflow setup, see the following pages:
📄️ Composer
How Prophecy creates a Composer Airflow Fabric
How Prophecy create a MWAA Airflow Fabric