Release notes2023On this pageRelease notes 2023December 2023 3.2.7.* (December 26, 2023)Features3.2.6.* (December 18, 2023)FeaturesGem DependenciesBuild Template configurable by AdminMinor Improvements November 2023 3.2.5.* (November 28, 2023)FeaturesLow Code Airflow EnhancementsRelease enhancementsData Explorer for Spark October 2023 3.2.3.* (October 31, 2023)FeaturesExport and Execute Pipeline Code in Databricks NotebooksConfig Variable Value Updates in Scala3.2.1.* (October 10, 2023)FeaturesAdvance Settings for Releases and Deployments September 2023 3.2.0.* (September 14, 2023)FeaturesIntroducing Package HubKnowledge Graph - ConnectorsCopilot 2.0DataProc fabricDLT Support in SQLGuided private deploymentMinor Improvements August 2023 3.1.4.* (August 11, 2023)FeaturesSynapse FabricEMR support for Low code Orchestration3.1.3.* (August 3, 2023)FeaturesEMR FabricMinor ImprovementsLow code SQL ImprovementsLow code Spark ImprovementsOther Minor Improvements July 2023 3.1.2.* (July 26, 2023)FeaturesLivy Fabric Users can now enable Execution MetricsUsers can now select all-purpose Databricks clusters for testing their JobsMinor ImprovementsLow code Airflow EnhancementsLow code SQL EnhancementsLow code Spark Enhancements3.1.1.* (July 6, 2023)FeaturesConditional Execution In Spark PipelinesRevamped Prophecy Fabrics UINew Features in Low Code AirflowMinor ImprovementsAbility to Attach Cluster to multiple Pipelines for Interactive RunAlert and warning diagnostics for Users passing plain-text Username password in gemsImproved Entity Discovery on Info Pages June 2023 3.1.0.* (June 22, 2023)FeaturesData CopilotGenerative-AIGeneral Availability Announcement: Low Code AirflowData Explorer For SQLDLT Jobs SupportMinor ImprovementsPingID and AADConfig Package Name support in pipelinesOther Minor Improvements3.0.2.* (June 02, 2023)Minor ImprovementsEMR Support (Beta)Databricks support enhancements May 2023 3.0.1.* (May 17, 2023)Minor ImprovementsJob filter support in PBTGem updatesGroup select gems to batch changes like phaseAbility to add comments on gems in UIUX update on Merge conflict resolution screensAdded warning before deleting branch from local and remoteSupport for Unit tests with Lookups through PBT April 2023 3.0.0.* (Apr 26, 2023)FeaturesLow-Code SQLExpression BuilderAirflow (Beta)ImprovementsSupport for Databricks ACLNew UI for Source/Target gemsNew Data Observability PageAttach a cluster and run from the gem March 2023 2.10.0.* (Mar 31, 2023)ImprovementsSearch box on available clustersPerformance Improvements for Projects with large Number of EntitiesDatasets improvementsWarning when deleting Teams2.9.0.* (Mar 24, 2023)FeaturesSharable Subgraphs and UDFsAbility to commit and Release from the pipeline pageImprovementsAbility to rename a cluster while attachingCheckout remote branchesOpen Project lineage viewCluster auto-attach behaviorControl Data Sampling behavior for Configured Pipelines February 2023 2.8.0.* (February 28, 2023)FeaturesA team is not required during sign-upAdded support for Identity provider initiated SSOSorting columns on Metadata tablesCluster consistencyLink to Databricks Workflow in Released Prophecy JobsCreate Pipelines and Jobs directly from Project BrowserAlert user on Databricks Token ExpiryImprovementsAllow Run on main branchCluster restart after setting dependencies2.7.0.* (February 16, 2023)Behavior ChangesSpark and Scala Versions are now Required in Livy FabricsNew FeaturesKafka and Watermarking support (Beta)Data Fabric ACLTicketing SupportUX ImprovementsAuto Connect gems and Auto suggest on Drag and dropZoom-in And Zoom-outGem SortingDangling interimsImprovementsProject creation on protected main branchesDisconnection Error handlingCopy pasting gems in pipeline editor2.6.0.* (February 3 2023)New FeaturesGCP SupportInterims for Unity Catalog WorkspacesTeam-level execution metricsSeamless Git Integration with stored credentialsStreaming Pipeline Support (Beta)UpdatesUnion By NameImprovementsPython code generation taking long timeBlocked log4j dependency