The WindowFunction lets you define a WindowSpec and apply window functions on a model.
Parameter | Description | Required |
Model | Input Source | True |
Target column | Output Column name | True |
Source expression | Window function expression to perform over the created Window | True |
Order columns | Columns to order by in Window. Must be a numeric type column if a Range Frame is selected | Required when Source expression has a Ranking/Analytical function OR when Range Frame is selected |
Partition column | Column to partition by in Window | False |
Row frame | Row based frame boundary to apply on Window | False |
Range frame | Range based frame boundary to apply on Window | False |
When Order Columns
are not defined, an unbounded window frame (rowFrame, unboundedPreceding, unboundedFollowing)
is used by default.
When Order Columns
are defined, a growing window frame (rangeFrame, unboundedPreceding, currentRow)
is used by default.
Ranking Functions with Window
Examples of ranking functions are: row_number()
, rank()
, dense_rank()
and ntile()
Only the default window frame (rowFrame, unboundedPreceding, currentRow)
can be used with Ranking functions
Analytical Functions with Window
Examples of analytical functions are: lead()
, lag()
, cume_dist()
, etc.
Window frame for lead()
and lag()
can not be specified.
Only the default window frame (rangeFrame, unboundedPreceding, currentRow)
can be used with cume_dist()
Aggregate Functions with Window
Examples of analytical functions are: min()
, max()
, avg()
, etc.