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Object Store Configuration

Prophecy supports storing essential data, including backups and audit logs, by integrating with cloud object stores like AWS S3, Azure Blob Storage, GCP Cloud Storage, and local persistent volumes (e.g., NFS-backed). This section explains how to configure these storage options.

Edit Object Store Configurations

To edit object store configurations in Prophecy, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to Prophecy as an admin user.
  2. Navigate to the Admin tab of the Prophecy Settings page.
  3. Within the Admin main tab, select the Config subtab.
  4. Finally, click on the Object Store Config subtab to configure the object store settings.

Configuration options

Below are JSON configurations within the Prophecy UI that need to be enabled to support this functionality. You will have to configure only the options which you require. Make sure to maintain a JSON format mentioned below while configuring the different options.


All sensitive keys are displayed in ******** format. However, you may supply the new values in normal text and save the JSON to update the keys.

"aws": {
"accessKey": "********",
"s3": {
"bucketName": "athena-ondemand-backup",
"endpoint": "",
"forcePathStyle": true,
"region": "us-west-2"
"secretKey": "********"
"azure": {
"accessKey": "********",
"blobStorage": {
"accountName": "prophecyathenabackup",
"containerName": "athena-ondemand-backup",
"serviceURL": ""
"useManagedIdentityToAuthenticate": false
"cloudProvider": "gcp",
"gcp": {
"cloudStorage": {
"bucketName": "athena-ondemand-backup"
"serviceAccount": "********"
"localLocation": "/backup",
"locationType": "gcp-cloud-stoage"

Generic Configuration Variables

These are the generic configurations which are required to be set irrespective of the provider.

Configuration variable nameDescriptionDefault value
locationTypeWhich provider to use for the object store. Supports local, s3, azure-blob-storage, gcp-cloud-storagelocal
localLocationAny PVC Mount point with where local backup is done. Is required even for provider based object stores for a temporary location./backup

Provider specific configuration

This section outlines there various configurations at each provider level.


For this provider, set locationType to s3 and configure using the following variables:

Environment variable nameDescriptionDefault value
aws.s3.bucketNameS3 Bucket nameathena-ondemand-backup
aws.s3.endpointS3 Endpoint used to communicate with
aws.s3.forcePathStyleIf S3 should use path style for bucket nametrue
aws.s3.regionS3 Regionus-west-2
aws.accessKeyAWS Access key with the required privileges
aws.secretKeyAWS Secret key with the required privileges
localLocationAny PVC Mount point with storage/backup
locationTypeSet to AWS S3s3

Azure Blob Storage

For this provider, set locationType to azure-blob-storage and configure using the following variables:

Environment variable nameDescriptionDefault value
azure.blobStorage.accountNameStorage Account nameprophecyathenabackup
azure.blobStorage.serviceURLStorage Account Service URL
azure.blobStorage.containerNameContainer name within the Storage Accountathena-ondemand-backup
azure.useManagedIdentityToAuthenticateWheather to use system managed identity (role) to authenticatefalse
azure.accessKeyStorage Access key
localLocationAny PVC Mount point with storage/backup
locationTypeSet to Azure Blob Storageazure-blob-storage

GCP Cloud Storage

For this provider, set locationType to gcp-cloud-storage and configure using the following variables:

Environment variable nameDescriptionDefault value
gcp.serviceAccountIs the GCP Service Account in Base64 Encoded format with the required privileges
gcp.cloudStorage.bucketNameContainer name within the Storage Accountathena-ondemand-backup
localLocationAny PVC Mount point with storage/backup
locationTypeSet to GCP Cloud Storagegcp-cloud-storage

Local PV (NFS)

As this utilizes the local persistent volumes (PVs) offered by Kubernetes, no extra configuration is needed. All backups are stored directly on the disk, which can be supported by protocols such as NFS.

Environment variable nameDescriptionDefault value
localLocationAny PVC Mount point with storage/backup
locationTypeSet to locallocal