Azure Marketplace guide
This page outlines how to install Prophecy via Azure Marketplace.
To complete this process, you need:
- The Contributor or Owner role in Azure.
- A minimum of six Standard_DS4_v2 family types of VMs. You'll need to assign an appropriate quota in your Azure subscription for a region where you are planning to deploy Prophecy.
Contact Prophecy to discuss future scaling needs.
Open Azure Marketplace
To get started:
- Open the Prophecy product page in Azure Marketplace and click Get It Now.
- In the Create this app in Azure window, select the Prophecy Private SaaS - Enterprise Grade Support plan (unless advised otherwise).
- Click Continue. You will be directed to the Azure portal.
- In the portal, click Create to begin the Prophecy IDE setup.
Create Prophecy
Next, fill out the required fields of the Basics tab.
- Select your Azure subscription.
- In the Resource group field, choose or create a resource group for the application.
- Select the Region of the instance.
- For the Configure Base Domain and TLS option, you have two choices:
- Use Prophecy's Base Domain. If you choose this option, Prophecy manages the certificates and domain for you.
- Use your own Base Domain and Certificate. If you choose this option, you can deploy your own TLS certificates and manage the domain for the Prophecy IDE using your own DNS zones.
- Give the application a name.
- Note that this installation will generate a managed resource group where all Prophecy resources will be created.
When you have finished filling out the Basics tab, click Review + create. Then, agree to the terms and conditions and click Create. This will start the Prophecy deployment.
Go to resource
It takes around 20 to 30 minutes to finish the installation. Once installation is complete:
- Click on Go to resource.
- Click on Parameters and Outputs.
- If you are using the Prophecy domain, you will be able to access the cluster with the prophecyURL, adminUser, and credentials.
- If you are using your own domain:
- Note down prophecyURL, loadBalancerIP, adminUser and credentials.
- Reach out to your DNS admin and request to add a Type A entry for the prophecyURL and the loadBalancerIP address.
Launch the Prophecy IDE
- Open the Prophecy IDE with the prophecyURL that you noted.
- Login using the adminUser and credentials that you noted.
Now, you are free to get started with Prophecy!